
الخميس، 19 نوفمبر 2015

The American constitution.

The American Constitution

The constitution  of the  United  States is the supreme  law of the land, which prevail all  other laws. 
It's first three articles entrench, & establish the doctrine of the separation of  powers :

-/ legislative ... Congress. 
-/ Executive ... President 
-/ judicial ... Supreme Court and other federal courts. 

The American constitution was ratified by the states in  June 21  of  the year 1788, 

In this article I will shed a light on some humanitarian rights that many countries in this universe tend to turn the blind eye.

Unfortunately, some of these countries for centuries and until this very day, deprive their people from their simplest  rights, rights that oblige the youth to immigrate to this great country. 
In the constitution there are 10  very important rights, in which they  were added to the constitution in  December 15 of the year 1791.  
It's called :

 (The bill of rights ) 

This bill protects the rights of each individual disregarding back ground, culture, or religion.

Some of these rights are :

-/ Freedom to express your self :

It includes freedom of speech , or of the press 
Freedom to peacefully assemble. And to petition the government. 

-/ Freedom to worship as you wish  .
Freedom of religion , is a constitutionally protected right. 
Freedom of religion , is also closely related with separation of church  and state. 
A concept advocated by founding fathers such as James Madison & Thomas Jefferson. 

I prefer to demonstrate this right thoroughly because, war is now  continued  to destroy  the Mesopotamia, & in the Middle East. 

What does this right mean?
It means you have the freedom to believe in any religion you desire, or none at all.

Religious intolerance is unacceptable in a society where every one has individual freedom.

When we understand this right, we have to respect the interpretation of the laws in the US. and how it applies .

These two rights are the basic rights ( freedom to pursue life liberty, and the pursuit of happiness ), as Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence. 

Faissal  Elmasri 

Orlando, FL. 

Nov. 2015

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